About Juli

Juliana Andrada ( Juli )
Juliana Andrada ( Juli ) 

Hi, I’m Juli ( short for Juliana)

I help you connect with your higher self, guides, family of light to receive information, healing, and activation available for you.

Become a better magician of your own life.

I have always been committed to my spiritual development, receiving guidance and messages through dreams and visions. I’m an intuitive guide, a sisters of the rose priestess, very connected with galactic and elemental realms.

I am certified in:

3 modalities of Quantum Healing Hypnosis, I'm offering IQH at the moment (Illuminated Quantum Healing)

Arcturian healing and when appropriate I will add this to the session.

Law of attraction coaching and life coaching, I offer integration coaching after your QHH session and Human design guidance sessions this study is ongoing for me, as a projector in human design I’ve been more and more integrating the natural, intuitive guidance I am here to offer.

I offer sessions in English and Brazilian Portuguese. I also speak Dutch.

I love studying and have completed many trainings and courses on subjects like tarot, feng shui, high performance, personal development, online business, reiki, tarot, healing, shamanic healing, human design, coaching…

Another thing I love to do is help you create or improve your heart based online business.

I’ve been completing Human design courses and studying it seriously since the beginning of 2022, and I’ve started integrating this with my offerings, sharing this information that is rapidly transforming my life, I’ve been offering intuitive human design sessions that are so much fun and very focused on practical, experiential information.